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  1. to intentionally not listen or give attention to. 不理睬,忽視. She can be really irritating but I try to ignore her. 她有時會特別煩人,不過我盡量不去理會她。 Safety regulations are being ignored by company managers in the drive to increase profits. 為了增加利潤,公司經理都對安全章程熟視無睹。 How can the government ignore the wishes of the majority? 政府怎麼能不顧大多數人的意願呢?

  2. to intentionally not listen or give attention to. 不理睬,忽视. She can be really irritating but I try to ignore her. 她有时会特别烦人,不过我尽量不去理会她。 Safety regulations are being ignored by company managers in the drive to increase profits. 为了增加利润,公司经理们对安全章程熟视无睹。 How can the government ignore the wishes of the majority? 政府怎么能不顾大多数人的意愿呢?

  3. disregard : 多指有意或自觉地不顾某事。 ignore : 通常指有意不顾,或不理显而易见的事物。

  4. /ɪgˈnoʊr/ 動詞. 忽視, 不理會. "ignore" 例句. I ignore all the emails I receive from him. 我忽略了所有來自他的電子郵件。 Stop ignoring me when I'm talking to you! 我在跟你講話的時候不要忽略我! I've been deliberately ignoring his text messages all week. 我已經整個禮拜都故意忽略他的文字訊息了。 I tried talking to my daughter about the problem, but she just ignored me. 我試著跟我女兒談這個問題,但她不理我。

  5. to intentionally not give someone or something any attention. ignore The buzzing is irritating, but try to ignore it. disregard He disregarded the advice of his doctor and went back to work. turn a blind eye to Until now, the mayor has turned a blind eye to the city's homelessness problem.

  6. 1. 动词. If you ignore someone or something, you pay no attention to them. Why are you ignoring me? [VERB noun] The government had ignored his views on the subject. [VERB noun] She ignored legal advice to drop the case. [VERB noun] For two decades her theatrical talents were ignored by the film industry. [VERB noun] 2. 动词.

  7. ignore [ ɪgˈnɔːr ] vt. 1 (= pay no attention to) [+ person] 不理 bù lǐ. [+ advice, event] 不顾 (顧) bù gù. 2 (= overlook) [+ fact] 忽视 (視) hūshì. 在这些条目还发现'ignore': 在英文解释里: