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  1. thoughtful翻譯考慮周到的計劃周密的, 沉思的, 體貼的,關心的。了解更多。

  2. thoughtful翻译考虑周到的计划周密的, 沉思的, 体贴的关心的了解更多

  3. adj. 沉思的; 体贴的; 缜密思考过的,深思熟虑的. 词态变化. 比较级: more thoughtful; 最高级: most thoughtful; 副词: thoughtfully; 名词: thoughtfulness; 实用场景例句. 全部. 沉思的. 体贴的. 深思熟虑的. He looked thoughtful. 他一脸沉思的神情。 牛津词典. They sat in thoughtful silence. 他们坐着,沉思不语。 牛津词典. It was very thoughtful of you to send the flowers. 你送花来,想得真周到。 牛津词典.

  4. thoughtful. 显示所有例句. adj. 1. 沉思的;深思的;思考的quiet, because you are thinking. He looked thoughtful. 他一脸沉思的神情。 They sat in thoughtful silence. 他们坐着,沉思不语。 2. 体贴的;关心别人的;关切的showing that you think about and care for other people. It was very thoughtful of you to send the flowers. 你送花来,想得真周到。 3. 缜密思考过的;深思熟虑的showing signs of careful thought.

  5. THOUGHTFUL的意思解釋及翻譯1. carefully considering things: 2. quiet because you are thinking about something: 3. kind and…。 了解更多。 詞典

  6. thoughtful implies providing little attentions, offering services, or in some way looking out for the comfort or welfare of others: It was thoughtful of you to send the flowers. considerate implies sparing others annoyance or discomfort, and being careful not to hurt their feelings: not considerate of his family.

  7. If you are thoughtful, you are quiet and serious because you are thinking about something. My friend was looking thoughtful. 美式英语 : thoughtful / ˈθɔtfəl /

  8. n. superficial, thoughtless, frivolous, inconsiderate. 析. considerate 指能设身处地为别人着想,给予同情。 thoughtful 指为他人着想,主动关怀,做有益于他人事。 attentive 指对人关怀备至,热情周到,这可能出于真诚,也可能出于私利。 联想词. insightful 有深刻见; perceptive 敏感; considerate 体贴, 体; astute 机敏; heartfelt 衷心; thoughtfully 深思地; witty 诙谐; eloquent 雄辩 ,有口才; thought-provoking 引起思考 ,发人深省; artful 狡猾; gracious 亲切; 英语例句库.

  9. thoughtful [ ˈθɔːtful ] adj. 1 (= deep in thought) 深思的 shēnsī de. 2 (= considerate) 体 (體)贴 (貼)的 tǐtiē de. 在这些条目还发现'thoughtful': 在英文解释里: caring - contemplative - meditative - mindfulness - pensive - ruminant - serious - thinking. 中文: 懂事 - 体贴 - 周到. 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Words ending in "ful", Desirable personal qualities, 更多……

  10. thoughtful [ 'θɔ:tful ] adj. having intellectual depth. "a deeply thoughtful essay". exhibiting or characterized by careful thought. "a thoughtful paper". acting with or showing thought and good sense. 同义词:serious-minded. taking heed; giving close and thoughtful attention.