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  1. C1. to start to be successful again after a difficult period, for example after experiencing failure, loss of confidence, illness, or unhappiness. 恢复;恢复元气;重振旗鼓. Stock prices bounced back after a steep plunge earlier this week. 股票价格在本周早些时候急剧下跌后又回弹了。 Children often seem to bounce back from illness more quickly than adults do. 孩子通常比成人病后恢复得更快。

  2. BOUNCE BACK definition: 1. to start to be successful again after a difficult period, for example after experiencing…. Learn more.

  3. C1. to start to be successful again after a difficult period, for example after experiencing failure, loss of confidence, illness, or unhappiness. 恢復;恢復元氣;重振旗鼓. Stock prices bounced back after a steep plunge earlier this week. 股票價格在本週較早時急劇下跌後又回彈了。 Children often seem to bounce back from illness more quickly than adults do. 孩子通常比成人病後恢復得更快。

  4. 释义. 受挫折后恢复原状; 回声; 卷土重来. 实用场景例句. 全部. There will be no tendency for him to bounce back up and regain his previous equilibrium. 对他来说,就不存在重新站起,恢复其生前平衡的趋势. 辞典例句. It traps many of the heat waves which would otherwise bounce back into space. 它可吸收大量未反射到太空中去的热辐射波. 辞典例句. But demand should bounce back in 2009, they say. 但是在2009年对科技产品的需求将会反弹. 互联网.

  5. 2 种含义: 1. to recover one's health, good spirits, confidence, etc, easily after a setback bounce-back 2. a recovery following a setback.... 点击查看更多定义。.

  6. bounce back vi phrasal. figurative, informal (person: recover quickly) SC. Simplified Chinese. 迅速康复,恢复健康,恢复信心 xùn sù kāng fù,huī fù jiàn kāng,huī fù xìn xīn. TC. Traditional Chinese. 恢復健康. He was dangerously ill at one point but he bounced back quickly.

  7. BOUNCEBACK 释义: the act or an instance of bouncing back, recovering , or recuperating | 意思、发音、翻译及示例

  8. bounce back (from something) (business) (of prices, shares, etc.) to return to their previous high level or value after a period of difficulty. The airline's shares have bounced back from two days of heavy losses. Topics Money c2.

  9. 释义. 受挫折后恢复原状;回声;卷土重来; 英英释义. bounce back. v.improve in health. 同义词:get wellget over. 学习怎么用. 双语例句. It took 6 weeks to bounce back from the jungle. 从混乱恢复原状用了六周的时间。 After you use the copier, please put it back on the original settings. 复印机用完后,请把它恢复原状。 权威例句. BOUNCE BACK. Bounce back. BOUNCE BACK. Bounce back sports apparatus. Will Asia Bounce Back.

  10. C1. to start to be successful again after a difficult period, for example after experiencing failure, loss of confidence, illness, or unhappiness: Stock prices bounced back after a steep plunge earlier this week. bounce back from Children often seem to bounce back from illness more quickly than adults do. “SMART 词汇”:相关单词和短语. Recovering from illness

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