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  1. RE MARIA HUBERDINA HERTOGH [1951] 17 MLJ 164. Facts: Maria Hertogh was born in year 1937 and she was adopted by Aminah binte Mohamed in year 1942 therefore, she was brought up in a Muslim family called Natrah since the day she was adopted. During that time, Maria’s father was a Dutch citizen and a prisoner of war detain by the Japanese army.

  2. Maria Huberdina Hertogh (born Huberdina Maria Hertogh; 24 March 1937 – 8 July 2009), also known as Bertha Hertogh, Nadra binte Ma'arof, Nadra Adabi or simply Natrah, was a Dutch woman of Eurasian descent and Malay upbringing.

  3. In this case the plaintiffs were the father and mother of the 2nd defendant, Maria Huberdina Hertogh, an infant, and they instituted proceedings in the High Court of the Colony of Singapore by way of Originating Summons against the 1st defendant, one Aminah binte Mohamed, and the 3rd defendant, one Inche Mansor Adabi, under the Guardianship of ...

  4. IN RE MARIA HUBERDINA HERTOGH; INCHE MANSOR ADABI v ADRIANUS PETRUS HERTOGH AND ANOR. It is not disputed that Maria Hertogh is domiciled in Holland but it was argued in the Court below that the exception to the general rule based upon the case of Sottomayer v Barros 3 PD 1; 5 PD 94 governed this case and that therefore the marriage was valid.

  5. The riots were triggered by a quarrel between a Dutch family and a Malay family over a 13-year-old girl, Maria Huberdina Hertogh. Both families said Maria belonged with them. For seven months, they fought over the girl in a Singapore court. The Dutch family won.

  6. Dec 16, 2019 · The Maria Hertogh riots occurred in Singapore on 11 December 1950 over the custody lawsuit of Maria Hertogh, a girl born into a Dutch-Eurasian Roman Catholic family. Maria was raised by a foster Malay family during the war and moved with them to Kemaman, Malaya after the war ended.

  7. Dec 6, 2018 · Here’s how the young Dutch lady turned into a gadis Melayu. Baptised as Maria Huberdina Hertogh (a.k.a Bertha), Natrah Maarof was born to a Dutch Catholic family on 24 March 1937 in Tjimahi, Java. Her dad, Adrianus Hertogh, was a sergeant in the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army.