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  1. Every Splinterlands has a “Collection Power” value, or the total combined Burn Value of all Owned cards in a player's collection. Cards that are delegated or rented to an account do NOT count for Collection Power, except in the case of Tournaments as of the June 18th, 2024 update.

  2. Overall, the more power your card has, the stronger it is and the more copies have been combined into it. Navigate to the card details screen via the Items or Shop page to view the power of a specific card. Review the chart below for the DEC burn value of various cards.

  3. I've been playing splinterlands for a month now and this chart has really helped me out, specially when renting cards. With the release of the new reward cards (that have a different DEC burn rate) I thought this had to be updated, so here it is.

  4. SplinterGuide aims to provide Splinterlands players with accurate, timely, and useful information about strategies to improve their skills and gameplay experience. We have detailed card stats, ratings, and rankings you can use to quickly and easily find what you're looking for.

  5. Start selecting an ability. click this logo to play Splinterlands. Splintercards is a working progress project. Report errors or missing information here. is a free project by @ tehox. You can support this site by helping me to report errors or incomplete information.

  6. For example Bortus lvl 2 with a complement of lvl 3 commons like sea monster and crustacean king and lvl2 rare archers plus axe master counters the water magic build, Mylor, and even kron llama. And to complete the 15k power requirement get 1 cheap epic gold untamed or dice card which by itself is 10k power.

  7. Aug 16, 2021 · Alpha, Beta, Promo, Reward, Untamed and Dice. Rarity - There are 4 Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary. Those are the 3 factors that you need to find out to determine the card's power. Here is an example. Based on the 3 factors it is a Regular Foil, Reward Edition and Legendary Rarity. So its power will be 1000 based on the table shown.