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  1. Nov 23, 2017 · Plural society is simple words mean the integration of different communities who practice different culture, languages, and beliefs. For example, in any school, it is not mandatory to collect students from the same language or culture.

  2. A plural society is defined by Fredrik Barth as a society combining ethnic contrasts: the economic interdependence of those groups, and their ecological specialization (i.e., use of different environmental resources by each ethnic group).

  3. Jul 3, 2024 · In plural societies, people of different ethnic origins meet only in the market-place, where the various groups must trade and exchange goods and services with each other. No common ‘social will’ therefore develops to restrict the exploitation of the members of one group by members of another.

  4. What is Plural Society; Meaning and Characteristics of Plural Society; India as a Plural Society; Introduction. A plural society can be understood as the harmonious coexistence of diverse communities with varying cultural, linguistic, and religious backgrounds.

  5. 'plural societies' people of different ethnic origins do not meet each other except in the market place, where the members of each group must dispose of their goods and services to members of other groups.

  6. Plural societies are thus defined as non‐authoritarian, nontotalitarian democratic societies, in which different interests are recognized as legitimate, and in which mechanisms exist for promoting those interests. That is, pluralists are concerned with the existence and strength of what others would call the institutions of ‘civil ...

  7. Nov 19, 2019 · Historically speaking, the plural society was the product of European imperial expansion over the nineteenth century, and its paradigmatic cases were racially diverse societies in Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, and Africa.