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  1. › wiki › EuthanasiaEuthanasia - Wikipedia

    Today, 'euthanasia' is generally understood to mean the bringing about of a good death – 'mercy killing,' where one person, A, ends the life of another person, B, for the sake of B." ^ "Voluntary Euthanasia". Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University.

  2. Euthanasia, act or practice of painlessly putting to death persons suffering from painful and incurable disease or incapacitating physical disorder or allowing them to die by withholding treatment or withdrawing artificial life-support measures.

  3. Mercy killing is the active administration of euthanasia, with the intent of ending a patient’s life in a single act, as the Montana Supreme Court described in Baxter v. Montana.

  4. Euthanasia is when a doctor gives someone who is dying medication that will end their life. Some use the terms assisted suicide, physician-assisted death, physician-assisted suicide, and mercy killing as synonyms for euthanasia. But legal and medical experts define these differently.

  5. Definitions. Let’s begin with some definitions to better understand the issues. First, our topic is euthanasia, which is sometimes called “mercy killing.”. The word euthanasia relates to the idea of a “good death.”.

  6. Euthanasia, i.e. mercy killing is both historical and contemporary problem of medicine, law, ethics and religion, which is reflected in the multitude of interwoven concepts and different legislative solutions of that question all over the world.

  7. Very often people call euthanasia 'mercy killing', perhaps thinking of it for someone who is terminally ill and suffering prolonged, unbearable pain. Why people want euthanasia.

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