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  1. Inilah yang dinamakan Din Ul Fitrah (Surah Az-Zukhruf:9, Surah Ar-Rum:30) Islam adalah agama yang sesuai dengan fitrah manusia dan seorang bayi itu lahir sebagai seorang Muslim.

  2. Oct 20, 2011 · 1. Menerangkan pengertian ad-din. 2. Menjelaskan keperluan manusia kepada agama. 3. Membandingkan antara cara hidup Islam dan bukan Islam. 2.1 PENGERTIAN AD-DIN. Agama atau al-Din yang benar dalam sejarah manusia ialah ajaran yang dibawa oleh Nabi Adam a.s dan kemudiannya nabi-nabi lain selepasnya.

  3. Islam sebagai al Din terbina melalui tiga (3) perkara asas iaitu Akidah, Syariah dan Akhlak. Akidah berkaitan dengan konsep ketuhanan dan kepercayaan, Syariah berperanan sebagai peraturan serta

  4. Sep 30, 2011 · Makna yang disebut oertama adalah makna yang diberikan oleh ilmuan dan pemikir yang menganut al-dīn (agama tertentu). Sedang makna yang disebut kedua adalah makna yang berkaitan dengan adat istiadat, baik yang berasal dari luar maupun dari dalam, berupa pengaruh-pengaruh yang ada atau riwayat-riwayat yang diwarisi.

  5. Aug 31, 2003 · In his exposition on the concept of religion, al-Attas examined four significant concepts derived from the word "al-Din," which are in debtedness, natural tendency or inclination, judicious power and submissiveness. He indeed proposed all of these concepts as a major foundation of a Muslim's life.

  6. › wiki › Ad-Dinad-Din - Wikipedia

    Ad-Din ( Arabic: الْدِّين ad- dīn [ædˈdiːn], " (of) the religion/faith/creed") is a suffix component of some Arabic names in the construct case, meaning 'the religion/faith/creed', e.g. Saif ad-Din ( Arabic: سيف الدّين Sayf ad-Dīn, "Sword of the Faith").

  7. It offers a four-year full-time program of studies leading to the Bachelor of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Heritage with Honours in Usul al-Din and Comparative Religion, and postgraduate degrees at the Master and PhD levels in Islamic Thought and comparative Religion.

  8. Jan 22, 2021 · The Department of Usul Al-Din and Comparative Religion was established in 1997 in the Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (KIRKHS). It is currently being served by two professors, seven associate professors and 13 assistant professors.

  9. Rashīd al-Dīn (born 1247—died 1318) was a Persian statesman and historian who was the author of a universal history, Jāmiʿ al-tawārīkh (“Collector of Chronicles”). Rashīd al-Dīn belonged to a Jewish family of Hamadan, but he was converted to Islam and, as a physician, joined the court of the Mongol ruler of Persia, the Il-Khan Abagha (1265–82).

  10. Ṣafī al-Dīn (born 1253, Ardabīl, Iran—died September 12, 1334, Ardabīl) was a mystic and founder of the Ṣafavī order of mystics and progenitor of the later Safavid dynasty.

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