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  1. The Synacthen test is a useful investigation in suspected secondary adrenal insufficiency as it correlates reasonably well with the ‘gold-standard’ insulin tolerance test but is safer and less unpleasant. Chronic ACTH deficiency results in adrenal atrophy which leads to a reduced response to exogenous ACTH. Indication .

  2. stimulated (short synacthen test – see Neonatal Medication Protocol – Tetracosactrin) Δ-cortisol (peak - baseline) of <250nmol/L or a peak <550nmol/L has been proposed. It should be considered in any critically ill neonate with conditions such as severe sepsis, HIE, MAS, PPHN, CDH and severe RDS, particularly in those

  3. stimulation test (Synacthen test) in confirmed HH neonates.(1,2) Indication Investigation of suspected primary or secondary adrenocortical insufficiency. Assessment of possible adrenal suppression/atrophy due to steroid therapy. Action Diagnostic aid in assessment of suspected adrenocortical hypofunction. When administered, produces

  4. Sep 8, 2020 · The estimated NNT to prevent 1 false-positive LDST result after adding a second time point was also calculated. The estimated NNT to prevent a false-positive test with the addition of a second sample at 30 minutes was between 8 and 25 patients, depending on the peak cortisol threshold used.

  5. Concurrent use of spironolactone, hydrocortisone, cortisone, or estrogen may alter test results. The test should be done 72 hours after the last dose of maternal or neonatal steroid.

  6. May 6, 2022 · To analyse pre-test cortisol as a predictor of SST outcome, we analysed the subjects in 2 groups – (a) those who had SSTs between 8 and 10 am (Group 1), and (b) those who had SSTs at other times of the day (Group 2). We analysed receiver operated characteristic (ROC) curves for each possible test threshold or cut-off.

  7. May 6, 2022 · Aims of project – We aimed to assess the utility of the following factors in predicting SST outcomes – (1) pre-test cortisol (Cort0) concentrations, (2) pre-test SST related factors such as (a) time of day when SST was done; (b) inpatient or outpatient tests; and (c) indications for testing.