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  1. He was particularly opposed to the annexation of Texas and the Mexican–American War, which he saw as a war to extend slavery and its political grip on Congress. He also led the repeal of the "gag rule", which had prevented the House of Representatives from debating petitions to abolish slavery.

  2. In the House of Representatives, John Quincy Adams of Massachusetts was among the most vocal opposing the war. Adams had first voiced concerns about expanding into Mexican territory in 1836 when he opposed Texas annexation.

  3. On February 21, 1848, in the act of protesting the U.S.-Mexican War, John Quincy suffered a second stroke, fell to the floor of the House and died two days later in the Capitol building. The Legacy of John Quincy Adams The contradictions that characterized John Quincy Adams make him difficult to sum up.

  4. Jul 4, 2021 · Two hundred years ago, John Quincy Adams gave one of the most famous and most misunderstood speeches in American history. Speaking in the Capitol building to the citizens of Washington, D.C., the secretary of state commemorated the Declaration of Independence and attacked the legitimacy of autocracy and colonialism.

  5. During the Mexican-American War of 1848, Adams was one of the leading opponents of annexing Texas, presciently predicting that it would lead to civil war. In 1841, Adams appeared before the Supreme Court to argue on behalf of African slaves who had revolted and seized the Spanish ship Amistad.

  6. Only a few members of both parties, notably John Quincy Adams and John C. Calhoun, opposed the measure. Upon declaring war in 1846, Congress issued a call for fifty thousand volunteer soldiers. Spurred by promises of adventure and conquest, thousands of eager men flocked to assembly points across the country.

  7. Adams also led the small Whig opposition to the Mexican-American War. Most Whigs dared not vote against the requisition bills for the war, as doing so would deny resources to Gen. Taylor's army, which was already suffering casualties against Mexican forces.