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  1. The Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) Sitiawan (Malay: Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Methodist (ACS) Sitiawan (Secondary) and Sekolah Kebangsaan (ACS) Sitiawan (Primary)), established in 1903 is the oldest and established primary and secondary educational institution located in Sitiawan.

  2. Feb 7, 2019 · The name Anglo-Chinese School was given to the school by Rev W.E. Horley in 1916, changing the name from Industrial School Sitiawan. Some of the buildings on the school grounds were built prior to World War II, including the present ACS Primary School Hall and the four classrooms attached to it by a corridor.

  3. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Methodist (ACS) Sitiawan atau nama ringkasnya SMK Methodist (ACS) Sitiawan, merupakan sebuah sekolah menengah kebangsaan yang terletak di Jalan Lin Chen Mei, Kampung Koh, Sitiawan.

  4. Hanya lima hari kemudian, pada hari Isnin 5 Ogos Rev Horley membuka Sekolah Anglo-Chinese, Ipoh kecil, rumah beratap rumbia Melayu. Beberapa minggu kemudian dia membuka sekolah gadis-gadis 'sebagai sebahagian penting, tetapi berasingan sekolah asal.

  5. Sekolah Kebangsaan Methodist (ACS) Sitiawan atau nama ringkasnya SK Methodist (ACS) Sitiawan, merupakan sebuah sekolah rendah kebangsaan yang terletak di Jalan Lin Chen Mei, Kampung Koh.

  6. Anglo Chinese School, Sitiawan - Facebook

  7. Mar 6, 2009 · Just 5 days after his arrival, on 5th August 1895, Rev. Horley opened the Anglo-Chinese School in a small attap-roofed Malay house rented from Datoh Panglima Kinta in Ipoh at Changkat. The land was adjoining the Police barracks, just behind the first Land Office.