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  1. › wiki › TrogonTrogon - Wikipedia

    Trogons are residents of tropical forests worldwide. The greatest diversity is in the Neotropics, where four genera, containing 24 species, occur. The genus Apaloderma contains the three African species. The genera Harpactes and Apalharpactes, containing twelve species, are found in southeast Asia. [4]

  2. The elegant trogon (Trogon elegans), previously known as the coppery-tailed trogon, is a near passerine bird in the trogon family native to Central America. The etymology of the word trogon comes from the Greek word trōgein, meaning "to gnaw", which describes how this species prepares its nests in trees.

  3. trogon, (family Trogonidae), any of about 35 bird species common to warm regions. They constitute the family of Trogonidae in the order Trogoniformes. Trogons have a bright red to yellow belly in contrast to a dark chest and upperparts. In Africa and America males are iridescent above.

  4. Identification. POWERED BY MERLIN. Striking male has bronzy-green head and breast and bright red belly; female grayish-brown with limited red belly and distinctive white squiggle behind eye. Compare with Mountain Trogon, which overlaps extensively in range.

  5. The trogons and quetzals are birds in the order Trogoniformes which contains only one family, the Trogonidae. The word "trogon" is Greek for "nibbling" and refers to the fact that these birds gnaw holes in trees to make their nests. They feed on insects and fruit, and their broad bills and weak legs reflect their diet and arboreal habits.

  6. Elegant Trogons are medium-sized stocky, potbellied birds. They are larger than a robin, with a large, round head, a thick neck, large eyes, and a short, stout bill. Trogons perch upright with their long square-tipped tails pointing straight down.

  7. Since the 1890s, the possibility of seeing a trogon has lured birdwatchers to southern Arizona. With its brilliant metallic colors and odd croaking call, the Elegant Trogon brings an exotic touch to the wooded canyons and streamside sycamores where it lives.

  8. Elegant Trogons are one of the most sought-after birds by bird watchers in the U.S., They breed regularly in only four mountain ranges in Arizona: the Atascosas, Chiricahuas, Huachucas, and Santa Ritas.

  9. The elegant trogon (Trogon elegans) (formerly the "coppery-tailed" trogon) is a near passerine bird in the trogon family. Along with the eared quetzal, it is the most poleward-occurring species of trogon in the world, ranging from Guatemala in the south as far north as the upper Gila River in Arizona and New Mexico.

  10. Mar 4, 2020 · Elegant Trogon (Trogon elegans), version 1.0. In Birds of the World (S. M. Billerman, Editor). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.

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