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  1. Commodore International. Ez a lap vagy szakasz tartalmában elavult, korszerűtlen, frissítésre szorul. Frissítsd időszerű tartalommal, munkád végeztével pedig távolítsd el ezt a sablont! Ez a szócikk vagy szakasz lektorálásra, tartalmi javításokra szorul. A felmerült kifogásokat a szócikk vitalapja részletezi (vagy extrém ...

  2. › wiki › CommodoreCommodore - C64-Wiki

    Commodore and its product names, such as C64 and AMIGA, were sold to Escom (1995-96), Tulip (1997-2004), and Yeahronimo Media Ventures Inc. (AKA Commodore International Corporation or Commodore Holdings B.V. (since 2005)), Commodore Gaming (2007), and Commodore USA (2010-2012). Today (2019) Commodore computers are used and developed by enthusiasts.

  3. Commodore International Ltd. produces the Amiga multimedia line of computers, a range of PC-compatible computers, and the entry-level Commodore 64 system. It is incorporated in the Bahamas but has its main office in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Commodore ’ s primary market is Europe, where, especially in Germany, it is a leading brand.

  4. About this group. This group exists to post anything related to the history of Commodore International, Ltd or any of its subsidiaries like Commodore Business Machines, Inc. Basically, the organization that brought you the consumer computer products of the late 70s to the early 90s. This is not a for sale group.

  5. Commodore International Ltd. produces the Amiga multimedia line of computers, a range of PC-compatible computers, and the entry-level Commodore 64 system. It is incorporated in the Bahamas but has its main office in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Commodore's primary market is Europe, where, especially in Germany, it is a leading brand.

  6. Commodore, obvykle používající název Commodore International, byla americká elektrotechnická společnost založená ve West Chester v Pensylvánii. Firmu založil v roce 1954 voják Jack Tramiel. Nejdříve se zabýval opravami psacích strojů – z toho vyplýval i původní název firmy: Commodore portable typewriter.

  7. Commodore International (CI) bersama dengan cabangnya Commodore Business Machines (CBM) ikut dalam pengembangan industri komputer rumah-pribadi pada 1970an dan 1980an. Perusahaan tersebut mengembangkan dan memasarkan salah satu komputer desktop dengan penjualan terbaik di dunia, Commodore 64 (1982) dan merilis komputer Amiga-nya pada 1985.