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  1. Pierre Omidyar. Pierre Morad Omidyar (lahir 21 Juni 1967) adalah seorang keturunan Prancis.Ia lahir dari keturunan pengusaha Iran dan Amerika.Dan juga pendiri / ketua dari situs lelang eBay Omidyar dan Pam adalah istrinya merupakan dermawan terkenal yang mendirikan Jaringan Omidyar pada tahun 2004 dalam rangka memperluas usaha mereka di luar non-profit untuk menyertakan komersial bisnis dan ...

  2. Jan 26, 2024 · Pierre Omidyar, pendiri eBay ( Pierre Morad Omidyar merupakan pria yang lahir di Paris, Prancis pada 21 Juni 1967. Kendati lahir di Paris, Pierre memiliki keturunan Iran dari kedua orang tuanya. Dia mulai tertarik dengan komputer saat duduk di bangku SMA. Dia pun melanjutkan pendidikannya di Universitas Tufts dan lulus dengan gelar ...

  3. Pierre Morad Omidyar (n. 21 iunie 1967 , Paris , Franța ) este un om de afaceri, inginer de software și filantrop iraniano - american . A absolvit Universitatea Berkeley din statul american California în anul 1988, cu o diplomă de licență în informatică [2] .

  4. Sep 13, 2020 · Pierre Omidyar, the billionaire founder of eBay, was the benefactor of journalists’ dreams. Credit... Randy Shropshire/Getty Images. By Ben Smith. Published Sept. 13, 2020 Updated June 14, 2021.

  5. Jan 31, 2021 · Pierre is one of richest people in the world, having made his fortune of over $21billion. Pierre Morad Omidyar was born to Iranian settlers, Elahé Mir-Djalali Omidyar, and her husband, in Paris, on June 21, 1967. His mother was a renowned linguistics scholar, and his father was employed at the ‘Johns Hopkins University’ as a surgeon.

  6. Jun 17, 2024 · Real change requires reimagining what is possible. We invest to build more inclusive and equitable societies. Omidyar Network is a social change venture that reimagines critical systems, and the ideas that govern them, to build more inclusive and equitable societies—for the benefit of the many, not just the few—across the globe. About Omidyar Network Focus […]

  7. An early internet pioneer, Pierre founded eBay in 1995, transforming the way people thought about trust. Improving systems and challenging what’s possible continues to drive Pierre’s work and inspire the diverse collection of organizations, initiatives, and ventures of The Omidyar Group. As a philanthropist, Pierre has forged a distinct path, creating new models and methods […]