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  1. Laurene Powell Jobs. Laurene Powell Jobs adalah pendiri pendamping dan Presiden Dewan College Track dan istri Steve Jobs, pendiri dan mantan CEO Apple Inc . Ia menikahi Steve Jobs pada tanggal 18 Maret 1991 dalam upacara pernikahan di Ahwahnee Hotel di Taman Nasional Yosemite. Pemimpin upacara adalah Kobun Chino Otogawa, seorang biksu Buddha Zen.

  2. Laurene Powell Jobs (dilahirkan pada 6 November 1963) ialah seorang ahli perniagaan, eksekutif Amerika dan pengasas Emerson Collective, sebuah organisasi sosial yang memberi kesan bahawa, antara aktiviti pelaburan dan dermawan lain, menyokong dasar mengenai reformasi pendidikan dan imigrasi, keadilan sosial dan pemuliharaan alam sekitar.

  3. Laurene Powell Jobs is a business executive and philanthropist, best known as the president of the left-leaning grantmaking enterprise Emerson Collective. Born Laurene Powell, she is the widow and heir of Apple Computer executive Steve Jobs, with a current estimated fortune of $21-24.4 billion, making her the fifth-richest woman…

  4. Mar 23, 2024 · Laurene Powell Jobs is the founder and president of Emerson Collective, an organization devoted to making the world a better place through philanthropy and investments, and is herself one of the ...

  5. 3 days ago · Jul 5, 2024, 8:46 AM PDT. Steve Jobs and Laurene Powell Jobs have three children together. Brian Ach/WireImage via Getty. Steve Jobs left the bulk of his fortune to his wife, Laurene Powell Jobs ...

  6. Oct 22, 2022 · Laurene Powell Jobs, center, discussed the Steve Jobs Archive at a recent conference. She was interviewed by the journalist Kara Swisher, with the former Apple design chief Jony Ive and, at right ...

  7. Jun 11, 2018 · Laurene Powell Jobs is quietly creating a new landscape of philanthropy. One of the world's richest women, worth an estimated $20 billion, the 54-year-old Powell Jobs is a philanthropist ...