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  1. Jun 3, 2024 · Stop by the resort’s restaurant to savour tea-infused food and beverage like pancakes, ice cream and the special Sabah Tea pandan teh tarik.

  2. Jun 7, 2024 · 1. 神山 / 京那峇魯山 Mount Kinabalu. 京那峇魯山 Mount Kinabalu是馬來西亞最高峰,也是全東南亞最高峰,海拔4,095公尺,被譽為世界最艱鉅的神山,也是很多爬山人士必攻山峰之一。 京那峇魯山那堅毅的峰頂常被雲層包圍著,散發出不可思議的魔幻氣息,因此當地人都稱京那峇魯山為神山。 攀爬神山需要有好的體力,登上山頂一般需要兩天一夜的時間,通常需要在山中過一夜,然後在隔天的凌晨出發去登山峰 – Low’s Peak,登山峰最難處是需要扶著花崗岩上的麻繩上山才可到頂峰。 Mark也很驕傲的分享說他在2004年曾經登上神山山峰! 不想要自己駕車上山的朋友,推薦你們可以訂購Klook的配套,讓當地資深華人業者帶領大家到 神山國家公園+波令溫泉 一日遊!

  3. Jun 4, 2024 · Sabah Tea Garden Home to famous Sabah Tea, this valley is like the mini version of Cameron Highlands ‘ tea plantation. It is located about 35 KM from Kundasang town and you can sign up for the factory tour if you can make it before noon.

  4. Jun 14, 2024 · Sabah, located in the northern part of the island of Borneo, is a state in Malaysia known for its diverse natural attractions and rich cultural heritage. One of the top tourist destinations in Sabah is Mount Kinabalu, the highest mountain in Southeast Asia.

  5. Jun 25, 2024 · Welcome to the official Board of Trustees of Sabah Parks Website, the parks areas in Sabah are namely Kinabalu Park, Tunku Abdul Rahman Park, Crocker Range Park, Pulau Tiga Park, Tawau Hills Park, Turtle Island s Park, Tun Sakaran Marine Park, Sipadan Island Park and Tun Mustapha Park.

  6. Jun 1, 2024 · Anda juga boleh memilih untuk singgah di kedai ‘Coffee & Sabah Tea‘, serta ‘Rumah Coklat‘ yang mana koko ditanam dan diproses di Sabah. Selepas penat membeli belah, & jika berkesempatan anda boleh berehat santai di Pantai Tanjung Aru untuk menikmati matahari terbenam.

  7. Jun 10, 2024 · Sabah Tea Garden (Ranau) Home to the famous Sabah Tea, this valley is like the mini version of Cameron Highlands ‘ tea plantation. The roads to get here can be a little challenging as it’s not paved.

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