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  1. Oct 26, 2013 · You can use markdown to make links be links, should you be so inclined. Just put a < and > before and after the URL, respectively. Douglas Perkins at 2013-10-26T06:34:26Z

  2. Oct 2, 2013 · JanKusanagi at 2013-10-02T12:40:11Z. AJ Jordan, George Ellenburg, Robin Millette, Delia and 4 others likes this. You're welcome!

  3. 2018-02-07T09:16:30Z via Web To: Public CC: Followers. This year I'll try to write more often in my blog.

  4. Jul 18, 2013 · The Linux Foundation San Francisco, United States. The Linux Foundation is a nonprofit consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux.

  5. Dec 27, 2013 · And has lost almost all essential functionality: No global timeline, no search function. Even groups appear to have dissipated. Was this the first known instance of a social network committing suicide? Or what did they expect to achieve by moving to a half-baked, poorly tested platform? yahya69 at 2013-10-27T13:49:44Z

  6. 2024-05-30T05:41:35Z via Web To: Public CC: Followers Mientras esperamos el renacimiento de la Argentina potencia mundial, acá más cerca, la economía se destruye a niveles de pandemia. Históricos.

  7. › wiki › - Wikipedia

    identi.caとは、140文字までのつぶやきを投稿できるオープンソースのソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービス及びマイクロブログサービスである。 Twitterに似ているが、投票機能やグループなど、Twitterには実装されていないものも多い。