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  2. Sep 27, 2021 · The "Student Travel Card Listening KET" worksheet aims to enhance students' listening skills in English as a Second Language (ESL) through a scenario focused on travelling. By listening to a conversation between Jan and Steve about obtaining a student travel card, students are expected to practice comprehension, vocabulary development, and the ...

  3. Aug 8, 2023 · Hola, ya probe con borrar las aparece la pantalla principal de liveworksheets. Yo lo que quiero que le aparezca a los alumna es la pantalla para logearse, donde aparece para que pongan su usuario y contraseña.

  4. Save Time and Paper With Your Own Interactive Worksheets. Creating worksheets is easy and fun, with a few simple steps. See how to make interactive worksheets with these instructions. Browse and select from millions of worksheets, or upload your own. These are digital worksheets, and you can automatically grade students’ work.

  5. Students have the option to see correct answers after submitting their work if a worksheet is setup to allow this. On the worksheet in the menu option in the top right corner, select Show Right Answers. Choose the option to Add button "Show Right Answers" when the student has finished the exercise is selected. Click Save Changes.

  6. Is LiveWorksheets free? The basic subscription is free forever. Free teacher accounts, however, are limited to: 100 students. 50 private worksheets. 10 groups. 25 workbooks. 10 downloaded PDFs per day. 25 mailbox answers.

  7. Once logged in as a Teacher, from your Dashboard, click My Students. Click Add Group. In the field Title, give your group or class a name. If you want the group or class to be published and viewable, check the box Published . Click Save. As a Teacher, you can create groups or classes, and assigned students to them to make it easy to assign ...

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