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  1. Terms and Conditions May Apply. Do you read the Terms and Conditions connected to every website you visit or app you use? This film reveals what corporations ...

  2. Jul 11, 2013 · Cullen Hoback’s documentary Terms and Conditions May Apply takes a look at what these agreements mean, and explores the current state of Internet privacy as a whole. Through stats, figures, interviews, and a little digging, Hoback shows that the Internet is becoming less and less anonymous, and more and more frightening for those who wish to ...

  3. Terms and Conditions May Apply is a good film, albeit far too short. Hoback makes a great case for internet activism and an internet that remains open and constructed by the people rather than by corporations and big government, and things even take a surprisingly personal turn at the end when Hoback attempts to get a word in with Mark ...

  4. Terms and Conditions May Apply takes an interesting turn when it delves into the subject of government eavesdropping on private citizens. Turns out Big Brother and big business are in bed together.

  5. Terms And Conditions May Apply | Hyrax Films. Foreign. Sales. Request. A Screening. Request A Non-Theatrical Screening (US/Canada) Theatrical Sales. Follow @TACMayApply.

  6. Through interviews with technology thought leaders and futurists, including Moby, Chief Google Engineer Ray Kurzweil, and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, TERMS AND CONDITIONS MAY APPLY brilliantly documents the sign posts on the slippery slope of internet privacy. This disquieting expose demonstrates how we unknowingly, click by click, generate a ...

  7. Apr 3, 2024 · April 3, 2024 by Joao Vitor Sales 15 min read. The terms and conditions are a set of rules and guidelines that users must agree to abide by in order to use a service or product. Think of terms and conditions as the house rules for using your website or mobile app. They lay out the do’s, don’ts, and responsibilities for everyone involved.