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  1. Paul Samuelson, Faculty. Called the father of modern economics, Samuelson became the first American to win the Nobel Prize in Economics (1970) for his work to transform the fundamental nature of the discipline. He insisted that mathematics was essential, and his numerous and groundbreaking contributions provided the foundation on which modern ...

  2. Paul Anthony Samuelson ( 15. května 1915, Gary, Indiana, USA – 13. prosince 2009, Belmont, Massachusetts, USA) byl americký ekonom. Jako první Američan získal v roce 1970 Nobelovu cenu za ekonomii, neboť podle Švédské královské akademie „udělal více, než kterýkoli jiný současný ekonom, aby zvýšil úroveň vědecké ...

  3. M ore than any other economist, Paul Samuelson raised the level of mathematical analysis in the profession. Until the late thirties, when Samuelson started his stunning and steady stream of articles, economics was typically understood in terms of verbal explanations and diagrammatic models.

  4. Paul A. Samuelson. Paul Anthony Samuelson (n. 15 mai 1915, Gary, Indiana, SUA – d. 13 decembrie 2009, Belmont ⁠ (d), Massachusetts, SUA) a fost un economist american cunoscut pentru munca sa în multe domenii ale economiei. El a fost medaliat cu Medalia John Bates Clark în 1947 și a primit Premiul Nobel pentru Economie în 1970 .

  5. Paul A. Samuelson ( 15. maj 1915 – 13. decembar 2009) je bio jedan od najvećih ekonomista našeg doba. Mnogo hvaljen, ali isto tako i osporavan od strane neistomišljenika, poznat je u cijelom svijetu. Prvi je Amerikanac koji je dobio Nobelovu nagradu za ekonomiju 1970. godine.

  6. Paul A. Samuelson’s speech to the students at the Nobel Banquet in Stockholm, December 10, 1970. Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Students of Stockholm, I stand here tonight to respond to your nice words as a consequence of the normal working out of the democratic process: because I am allergic to committees or am too much the absent ...

  7. Paul Samuelson is probably the most important economist of the second half of the twentieth century. His research publications; his introductory textbook; his articles on topical questions of economic policy; and his interactions with numerous students, colleagues, policy makers, and the wider public have all contributed to fundamental changes in economics as a science and as a profession.