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  1. › wiki › BeowulfBeowulf - Wikipedia

    Prima pagină. Beowulf este un poem epic anglo-saxon, scris în engleza veche între secolele al VIII-lea și al X-lea. Poemul descrie faptele eroice ale eroului Beowulf, în lupta sa împotriva monștrilor.

  2. Him Beowulf þanan, guðrinc goldwlanc, græsmoldan træd. since hremig; sægenga bad. agendfrean, se þe on ancre rad. þa wæs on gange gifu Hroðgares.

  3. Jan 5, 2015 · The poem continues to enjoy popularity, thanks to a bestselling translation by Seamus Heaney and a translation by J. R. R. Tolkien, which was only published in 2014.(If you’re looking for the Heaney translation, it can be found here: Beowulf: A New Translation; the Tolkien translation is Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary, together with Sellic Spell.)

  4. Beowulf Analysis. T he Beowulf manuscript dates to roughly 1000 CE. Very little Anglo-Saxon literature has survived, and Beowulf comprises roughly ten percent of all surviving Anglo-Saxon ...

  5. Beowulf, an epic poem of unknown authorship, was likely composed between the 8th and 11th centuries.It stands as a cornerstone of Anglo-Saxon literature, embodying the heroic spirit of the time.

  6. Beowulf Summary. B eowulf is an Old English poem about a Geatish hero who comes to Denmark to kill a monster.. Beowulf comes to the aid of Hrothgar, king of the Danes, to fight the monster Grendel ...

  7. It has been said that the dragon who fought the aged Beowulf would amass treasures and spit out fire--It could be said that its existence is like an archetype of the dragons that appear in fantasy stories.

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