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  1. Wong Kar-Wai is the epitome of 'style is substance'. All his films revolve around similar themes — romance, heartbreak, loneliness (and urban loneliness), time, memory and nostalgia. Usually his protagonists will have a fatal flaw that keeps them stuck in cycles and unable to grow and/or get together with their true love.

  2. 王家卫(Wong Kar-wai),1958年7月17日出生于中国上海市,籍贯浙江省定海(今舟山市定海区),毕业于香港理工大学平面设计系,华语影视导演、编剧、制片人。1982年,编写个人首部电影剧本《彩云曲》,从而正式进入了电影圈。1988年,自编自导的个人首部电影《旺角卡门》上映,凭借该片获得第8 ...

  3. Jul 8, 2023 · Wong Kar Wai is a somewhat mythical figure in the realm of filmmaking. Worshiped as a cinematic demigod, Wai’s films are a creative oasis in a creatively constipated industry. Lush with dreamy ...

  4. The Wong Kar-wai–directed In the Mood for Love (2000), in which she plays a cheongsam-wearing character opposite male lead Tony Leung, is a classic in both the film and fashion worlds. Early life and education

  5. Wong Kar-wai (čínsky znaky 王家衛, * 17. července 1956, Šanghaj, Čína) je hongkongský filmový režisér, scenárista a producent. Poznávacím znamením jeho filmů je promyšlená výtvarná koncepce jednotlivých scén, kde barvy, světlo a hudba hrají stejně významnou roli jako samotní herci.

  6. Wong Kar Wai is probably the most innovative and avant-garde director ever to come out of Hong Kong. As part of the second New Wave of Hong Kong cinema, Wong moved far away from the traditional Jackie Chan and Shaw Brothers style of films that focused on action, and he explored more substantial themes, including human psyche, politics, and the social conditions in Hong Kong.

  7. Note: The Cri­te­ri­on Col­lec­tion now offers a Wong Kar-wai box set that fea­tures sev­en blu-rays, includ­ing 4k dig­i­tal restora­tions of Chungk­ing Express, In the Mood for Love, Hap­py Togeth­er and more. Find it here. Relat­ed Con­tent: The Best 100 Movies of the 21st Cen­tu­ry (So Far) Named by 177 Film Crit­ics

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