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  1. The standard Windows OS architecture limits the maximum memory available to a Xilinx program to 2 GB. In Windows XP Professional, Microsoft created an option to support the ability of an application to address 3 GB of RAM. Xilinx applications have built-in support for this option.

  2. Sep 23, 2021 Knowledge. 71435 - DMA Subsystem for PCI Express - Driver and IP Debug Guide. This answer record provides the DMA Subsystem for PCI Express - Driver and IP Debug Guide in a downloadable PDF to enhance its usability. Answer Records are Web-based content that are frequently updated as new information becomes available.

  3. All Answer Records listed in this section have been rolled into the RocketIO Wizard available in CORE Generator tool. (Xilinx Answer 22477) - Virtex-4 RocketIO - Calibration Block for CES2, CES3, and CES4 FX devices (Xilinx Answer 23481) - Virtex-4 RocketIO - TXENOOB work-around for ES4, ES4S, Production Step 0 User Guide

  4. Top Xilinx Answer Records on Boot and Configuration. (Xilinx Answer 47596) Zynq-7000 SoC, Boot - Quad-SPI controller, in non-Quad-SPI boot mode, does not drive HOLD_B inactive during SPI data phase [Fixed in Production Silicon] (*) (Xilinx Answer 50650) ZC702 - The SD card might need to be re-imaged in order to boot. (Xilinx Answer 51787)

  5. This resolution contains new reported items not yet incorporated into a new EDK release, such as Tactical Patch, new Answer Records, and bug reports. Answer Records for 8.2i EDK SP2 Processor IP and Processors . Virtex-4 PowerPC 405 - Errata for all Virtex-4 FX devices

  6. 21004 - Virtex-4 RocketIO - Answer Record List. Number of Views 605. 12573 - Virtex-II/Virtex-II Pro - DCI is not working as I expected. ... 65444 - Xilinx PCI ...

  7. Xilinx has a number of Online resources including Documentation, Answer Records, a Wiki, and the Support community you are reading this blog entry on. Which resource you should check first depends on the type of design you are working on and what stage of the design you are at. This blog entry contains information on each of these resources and ...