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  1. Gandhi's autobiography, which he had titled 'My experiments with Truth' can be rated as one of the most popular and the most influential books in the recent history. It was written at the instance of Swami Anand. It appeared in the Weekly 'Navjivan' during 1925-28. It covers Gandhi's life up to 1920.

  2. Jan 30, 2024 · He was born on 2 October, 1869 in Porbandar, Gujarat. His father’s name was Karamchand Gandhi and his mother’s name was Putlibai. At the age of 13, Mahatma Gandhi was married to Kasturba which ...

  3. 4 days ago · Mahatma Gandhi - Nonviolence, Resistance, India: Gandhi was not the man to nurse a grudge. On the outbreak of the South African (Boer) War in 1899, he argued that the Indians, who claimed the full rights of citizenship in the British crown colony of Natal, were in duty bound to defend it. He raised an ambulance corps of 1,100 volunteers, out of whom 300 were free Indians and the rest ...

  4. Nov 1, 1993 · Mohandas K. Gandhi is one of the most inspiring figures of our time. In his classic autobiography he recounts the story of his life and how he developed his concept of active nonviolent resistance, which propelled the Indian struggle for independence and countless other nonviolent struggles of the twentieth century.

  5. Nov 10, 2014 · Biography of Mahatma Gandhi : 1869-1948. Mohandas Gandhi was born in 1869 in western India and went to London to study law, experiencing discrimination which influenced his later activism. In South Africa from 1893-1915, he faced racism and was a leader for Indian civil rights, employing non-violence. He returned to India in 1915 and took a ...

  6. Jun 1, 2015 · Biography of Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi was the preeminent leader of India's independence movement from British rule through nonviolent civil disobedience. As a lawyer in South Africa and later in India, he organized protests against discrimination and excessive taxes. Assuming leadership of the Indian National Congress party in 1921, he ...

  7. Sep 7, 2023 · Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy is a timeless reminder of the power of peaceful resistance in the face of adversity. Essay on the Biography of Mahatma Gandhi 150 Words. Mahatma Gandhi was a great leader who played a significant role in India’s fight for independence. Born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat, he grew up in a humble family.