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  1. Le test CPS vous permet de tester la vitesse de votre doigt sur la souris pour vérifier la rapidité avec laquelle vous pouvez cliquer sur le bouton de la souris. Plus vite vous cliquez, plus vite vous pouvez battre les records. La plupart des joueurs de cpstest ont réussi à cliquer entre 5 et 10 clics par seconde.

  2. 5 Second Test. Another clicking mode at Click Test where you can check your clicks in 5 seconds. You must be very consistent in clicking to increase your clicks per second. Until time goes out for five seconds, it becomes difficult to maintain the same clicking speed. In that case, your practice plays the role.

  3. Prüfen Sie Ihre CPS mit dem Klick Tracking Chart. Dies ist ein einfacher 10 -Sekunden-Test. Du musst so schnell und oft wie möglich klicken, bevor die Zeit um ist. Du kannst es so oft probieren, wie du magst, um deinen persönlichen CPS-Rekord (CPS - Click Per Second) aufzustellen. Laut Big-Data Analysen und Google liegt der durchschnittliche ...

  4. What is the CPS Test? The CPS test is a free online game that measures a number of clicks per second. The click speed test consists of calculating your click speed with your mouse over a given time, which will give you a result in "CPS". To start, click on "Start the click speed test". The timer starts with the first click, so you have to place ...

  5. Manual Click Test is simpler than click speed test method. You can easily test your clicking speed with this manual clicking method. Step1: Go to manual click test from the left sidebar menu. Step2: When you start clicking with your mouse, the test automatically gets started. Step3: To stop, just press the stop button. Then it will proceed to calculate your result.

  6. The CPS Test, also known as the Click Per Second Test, is a test that determines your highest clicks per second score. Simply put, it determines the frequency of clicks to a time unit, which means if your clicking frequency increases, your score gets better. Most gamers use it to test their finger speed on the mouse to check how fast they can ...

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