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  1. Apr 28, 2021 · Pada awal 80-an, Bill Gates dan Steve Jobs bisa dibilang memiliki hubungan teman tapi musuh. Ada suatu waktu, Jobs datang ke markas Microsot di Washington. Kunjungan yang disebut Gates sebagai kunjungan dengan misi membujuk yang aneh itu, dilakukan sebagai salah satu bentuk usaha Jobs meyakinkan Gates agar bersedia membuat software untuk ...

  2. Sep 10, 2022 · Gates was more analytical and focused on long-term planning, while Jobs was more charismatic and spontaneous. While both styles can be successful, there are a few key advantages to using a Bill Gates leadership style over a Steve Jobs style. First, Gates is more likely to make rational decisions based on data and facts, while Jobs was known to ...

  3. Nov 27, 2011 · Gates in an internal email: "Steve Jobs’ ability to focus in on a few things that count, get people who get user interface right, and market things as revolutionary are amazing things"

  4. Jul 21, 2023 · Bill Gates je demokrat. Zatímco Steve Jobs je autokratický člověk. Gates má realistický přístup k investicím do technologií. Jobs měl k vymýšlení produktů futuristický přístup. Gates je známý jako nejlepší podnikatel v oblasti mikropočítačů. Jobs je známý jako předchůdce osobních počítačů. Gates měl v květnu ...

  5. Bill Gates VS Steve Jobs. Let me just step right in. I have things to invent. I'm a innovator baby. change the world. Fortune 500 'fore you kiss the girl. I'm a pimp your a nerd. I'm slick your cheesy. beating you i Apple II easy.

  6. May 27, 2019 · Steven Paul Jobs, dit Steve Jobs, né à San Francisco (Californie) le 24 février 1955 et mort à Palo Alto (Californie) le 5 octobre 2011, est un entrepreneur ...

  7. May 28, 2013 · Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates. May 28, 2013 •. 36 likes • 45,885 views. Heyday ApS. Get inspired with a little help from Steve Jobs and Bill Gates - from Apple and Microsoft. Get some quotes that can help you to be inspired. Quotes for marketing and management. Read more.