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  1. Jun 12, 2024 · Cloud Monitoring. Monitoring collects metrics, events, and metadata from .NET apps. Monitoring ingests that data and generates insights with dashboards, charts, and alerts. To get started with Monitoring, see the following articles: Cloud Client Libraries for the Cloud Monitoring API. Installing the Monitoring agent on Windows.

  2. Dec 21, 2016 · Not only can you monitor resources, but you can also log important events specific to your application. "Google.Cloud.Logging.V2" is a beta .NET client library for Logging that provides an easy way to generate custom event logs using Stackdriver integration with Log4Net. Step 1: Add the Logging client's Nuget packages to your Visual Studio project.

  3. Google Cloud Monitoring data source - native plugin (formerly named Stackdriver) Grafana ships with built in support for Google Cloud Monitoring. Simply add it as a data source and you are ready to build dashboards for your Cloud Monitoring metrics. Read more about it here:

  4. Stackdriver Monitoring is a dimensional time-series SaaS with built-in dashboarding. 1. Installing micrometer-registry-stackdriver. For Gradle, add the following implementation: For Maven, add the following dependency: 2. Configuring. The following example configures Stackdriver: @Override public String projectId() {.

  5. Oct 6, 2020 · Is there another method of removing and reinstalling/updating stackdriver-agent after pinning it to a certain version beyond removing to reinstall the latest? stackdriver-agent.x86_64 5.5.2-1001....

  6. Feb 28, 2021 · In this video you will learn how to configure stackdriver agent for monitoring GCE instance along with custom application. Important links:----- https:...

  7. Sep 16, 2020 · Stackdriver the company was created in 2012 by founders Dan Belcher and Izzy Azeri. The company's goal was to provide consistent monitoring across cloud computing's multiple service layers, using a single SaaS solution. and. In May 2014, the Stackdriver company was acquired by Google.