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  1. › wiki › SarawakSarawak - Wikipedia

    The largest among the 13 states, with an area almost equal to that of Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak is located in the region of East Malaysia in northwest Borneo, and is bordered by the Malaysian state of Sabah to the northeast, Kalimantan (the Indonesian portion of Borneo) to the south, and Brunei in the north.

  2. Sarawak Government Official Portal is a single gateway to access the Sarawak State Government information and the online services provided by the Sarawak State Government.

  3. As the largest state in Malaysia, Sarawak is home to 34 ethnic groups, speaking 45 languages and dialects, and each with their own stories, colorful cultures, traditions, and beliefs that makes Sarawak a cultural extravaganza just waiting to be explored.

  4. 砂拉越旅遊局(Sarawak Tourism Board)是砂拉越旅遊部(Ministry of Tourism Sarawak)的下轄機構,負責推廣砂拉越旅遊。與此同時,砂拉越私營旅行社亦組成砂拉越旅遊聯合會(STF, Sarawak Tourism Federation)。砂勞越會議局(SCB, Sarawak Convention Bureau)則負責吸引大会、会议和 ...

  5. To stimulate and promote tourism to and within Sarawak; To stimulate, promote and market Sarawak as a tourist destination; To organize, secure and enhance publicity in Malaysia and overseas for tourist attractions in Sarawak;

  6. 马来西亚华语规范理事会(语范)于2004年 依循砂拉越华族文化协会,将“Sarawak”的中文译名统一为砂拉越, 从此以后,全马来西亚所有的中文媒体皆使用“砂拉越”。

  7. Sep 16, 2012 · 砂拉越 [註 1] ( 馬來語 : Sarawak , IPA: [saˈrawaʔ] ),舊譯 砂磱越 、 砂朥越 、 砂勞越 、 砂羅越 、 砂撈越 或 沙撈越 [25] ,簡稱 砂 或 砂邦 ,馬來語又稱作「 犀鳥 之鄉 」( Bumi Kenyalang ),是全 馬來西亞聯邦 面積最大的行政區域,也是馬來西亞聯邦在 ...

  8. Sarawak makes access to Borneo’s natural wonders and cultural riches a breeze. From Kuching, the island’s most dynamic city, pristine rainforests – where you can spot orangutans, proboscis monkeys, crocodiles and the world’s largest flower, the rafflesia – can be visited on day trips, with time in the evening for a tasty meal and a ...

  9. Sarawak, the largest state in Malaysia, is home to 27 ethnic groups. With 45 different dialects, each group has their own unique stories, beliefs, traditions and cultures. You can meet people from the Iban tribe, known for their legendary headhunting customs from days of old.

  10. 砂拉越,寻幽探密之处如果探险有个家,它会是广袤的原野壮丽、葱绿、美哉!. 好比世外桃源。. 如果探险有个家,那将是住着世界上最友好的人,不同种族、宗教和文化的人们。. 如果探险有个家,那将会是予你宾至如归的感觉。. 如果探险有个家,它就是砂 ...

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