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  1. 美國獨立日(英語: Independence Day / the Fourth of July )是為紀念美利堅合眾國於公元1776年 7月4日於大陸會議中宣布獨立宣言所成立的節日。 这一天是美国正式宣布从大英帝國宣告独立的日子,故此独立日是美國的國慶日。. 在7月4日這一天,美國會舉辦許多活動,其中最重要的就是敲響位於費城的自由 ...

  2. 8 Ogo 2022 · Malaysia Independence Day is celebrated this year on August 31st.It is also known as the National Day or Hari Merdeka in Malay. Malaysia Independence Day was declared on August 31, 1957.Thus, 2022 is going to witness the grand 64 th Independence Day of Malaysia. Apart from other nations, Malaysia brought forward a special interest in celebrating Independence Day from the beginning of the month ...

  3. Independence Day is a national holiday observed annually in Somalia on July 1. The date celebrates the unification of the Trust Territory of Somaliland and the State of Somaliland into the Somali Republic on July 1, 1960. A government was subsequently formed by Abdullahi Issa, ...

  4. Independence Day is a day of family celebrations with picnics and barbecues, showing a great deal of emphasis on the American tradition of political freedom. Activities associated with the day include watermelon or hotdog eating competitions and sporting events, such as baseball games, three-legged races, swimming activities, and tug-of-war games.

  5. Malaysia Independence Day, also known as National Day or ‘Hari Merdeka’ in Malay is observed on August 31 and commemorates the Malayan Declaration of Independence of 31 August 1957. It is defined in Article 160 of the Constitution of Malaysia as the official independence day when it gained its freedom from the British colonial administration.

  6. National Day, sometimes known internationally as Singapore Independence Day, is a major public holiday in Singapore which commemorates an independent and sovereign Republic of Singapore.Held on 9 August since 1965, this holiday features the National Day Parade (NDP), a National Day Message by the Prime Minister of Singapore and fireworks celebrations, among other festivities.

  7. On May 12, 1962, President Diosdado Macapagal moved the commemoration of Independence Day from July 4 to June 12. Because of it, many people during that time accused him of politicizing the holiday. In an address on June 12, 1962, Macapagal explained why he moved Philippines’ Independence Day from July 4, 1946 to June 12, 1898. “Let me ...

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