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  1. Adolf Hitler ( 20. huhtikuuta 1889 Braunau am Inn, Itävalta-Unkari – 30. huhtikuuta 1945 Berliini, Saksa) oli itävaltalaissyntyinen saksalainen poliitikko, joka nousi Saksan valtakunnankansleriksi ja johti natsihallinnon aikana 1933–1945 maata diktaattorina, Saksan valtakunnanjohtajana ( Führer ). Hitlerin politiikka perustui hänen ...

  2. Take a look at the life and impact of Adolf Hitler, who as leader of the Third Reich orchestrated the the death of 6 million Jews, in this video.Explore the ...

  3. Sep 27, 2018 · Adolf committed suicide in 1945, and Paula, born in 1896, lived until she died of natural causes in 1960. From his father's previous marriage, Adolf had two half-siblings, Alois Jr. and Angela Hitler. Both married and had children, some of whom are still alive today. Angela married Leo Raubal and had three children, Adolf's nephew Leo Rudolf ...

  4. Adolf Hitler was an Austrian-born German politician who became the dictator of Germany from 1933 until his suicide in 1945. He rise to power as the leader of the Nazi Party, becoming the chancellor in 1933 and then taking the title of Führer und Reichskanzler in 1934. During his dictatorship, he initiated World War II in Europe by invading ...

  5. Adolf Hitler ( Braunau am Inn, Austria, 20 d'abril de 1889 - † Berlín, 30 d'abril de 1945) estió un militar y politico alemán d'orichen austriaco, que establió un rechimen nacionalsocialista en o que teneba o títol de Reichskanzler (canceller imperial) y Führer (capitoste, líder u guía). Hitler estió un d'os dictadors mas poderosos d ...

  6. Zanimanje. političar, vojnik. Adolf Hitler ( Braunau am Inn, 20. travnja 1889. – Berlin, 30. travnja 1945.) bio je njemački političar, vođa Nacionalsocijalističke njemačke radničke stranke ( njemački: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, skraćeno NSDAP), poznate pod nazivom Nacistička stranka. Bio je apsolutni diktator ...

  7. Died – 30th April 1945, Berlin, Germany committed suicide. Adolf Hitler was born in the Austrian town of Braunau-am-Inn on 20th April 1889. The town was close to the Austro-German border and his father, Alois, worked as a border control clerk. His mother, Klara, was a housekeeper.

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