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  1. Doris Leuthard (lahir 10 April 1963) adalah ahli politik Switzerland dan peguam. Sejak 1 Ogos 2006, dia menjadi ahli Majlis Persekutuan Switzerland dan Menteri Ekonomi Switzerland . Pada 2010 , dia terpilih sebagai Presiden Switzerland.

  2. Doris Leuthard. Doris Leuthard (lahir 10 April 1963) adalah politikus dan pengacara Swiss. Dia menjadi Anggota Dewan Federal Swiss sejak 1 Agustus 2006. Selama periode 1 Agustus 2006-31 Oktober 2010, ia mengepalai departemen urusan ekonomi federal Swiss (menteri ekonomi Swiss). Ia menduduki jabatan itu untuk menggantikan Joseph Deiss dan ...

  3. Doris Leuthard is head of Switzerland’s Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications. She previously held the position of President of the Swiss Confederation ...

  4. Doris Leuthard (n. 10 aprilie 1963 , Merenschwand ⁠( d ) , cantonul Aargau , Elveția ) este un om politic elvețian , între 14 iunie 2006 - decembrie 2018 membră a Consiliului Federal al Elveției, președinta (prin rotație) Confederației Elvețiene (a Consiliului ei Federal) pentru un mandat de un an în anii 2010 și 2017 .

  5. Doris Leuthard (født 10. april 1963) er en schweizisk politiker . Hun har været medlem af Forbundsrådet siden 2006. Fra 1999 til 2006 var Leuthard medlem af Nationalrådet , og fra 2004 til 2006 var hun leder for Christlichdemokratische Volkspartei der Schweiz .

  6. Aug 16, 2012 · Doris Leuthard. Attorney-at-Law. 1999-2006, Member of the National Council (Swiss Parliament); 2004-06, President of the Christian Democratic People's Party; 2006 - Oct. 2010, Minister of Economic Affairs; 2010 and 2017, President of the Swiss Confederation, 2010-2018, Minister of Environment, Transport, Communications and Energy. President of ...

  7. Oct 4, 2018 · This content was published on Sep 27, 2018 Doris Leuthard, one of the two female members of the Swiss Cabinet announced her retirement at the end of 2018, after having held the position for 12 years.