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  1. Sep 18, 2012 · Renren 1.0 was founded by Anthony Cheng and Michael Robinson in early 1999. They raised US$37 million in funding, listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, reached a market cap exceeding US$1 ...

  2. JP-MAI. 04-06 20:48. JP-MAI. 04-06 08:28. JP-MAI. 04-04 13:21. Through photography, the beauty of Mother Nature can be frozen in time. This category celebrates the magic of our planet and beyond — from the immensity of the great outdoors, to miraculous moments in your own backyard.

  3. 人人网,是中国领先的实名制社交网络平台。人人网在用户数、页面浏览量、访问次数和用户花费时长等方面均占据优势地位。用户可以在这一平台上相互交流,分享信息和用户自创内容,玩在线游戏,听音乐,参与团购,并享受一系列其它服务。2015年1月30日,人人网发消息称将下线站内信功能 ...

  4. Sep 18, 2012 · Renren 1.0 was founded by Anthony Cheng and Michael Robinson in early 1999. They raised US$37 million in funding, listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, reached a market cap exceeding US$1 ...

  5. 人人影视聚合全网影片,你想看的全都有!人人影视每天搜集互联网最新电影和电视剧,为广大用户免费提供无广告在线观看电影和电视剧服务,及时收录最新、最热、最全的电影大片,高清正版免费看。

  6. The Ren Ren Team: a relatively small group of individuals, who have come together to collate various documents (relating to naming of streets, alleys and public spaces and the numbering of doors), capture the information and present the data in a meaningful manner to the user at large. The Ren Ren Team tries to attend to the feedback received ...

  7. www.renren.iorenren

    renren-security企业版 基于SpringBoot、MyBatis、Shiro、Element Plus、Vue3等框架,开发的一套后台脚手架框架(权限系统),极低门槛,拿来即用。 支持分布式部署、Quartz分布式集群调度、Flowable工作流、部门管理、数据权限、云存储、代码生成器、微信管理等功能。

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