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  1. Dec 15, 2020 · 你是什么星座的? Nǐ shì shénme xīngzuò de? What’s your zodiac sign? Vocabulary Expansion. 1. 白羊座 [báiyángzuò]: Aries. 2. 金牛座 [jīnniúzuò]: Taurus. 3. 双子座 [shuāngzǐzuò]: Gemini. 4. 巨蟹座 [jùxièzuò]: Cancer. 5. 狮子座 [shīzizuò]: Leo. 6. 处女座 [chùnǚzuò]: Virgo. 7. 天秤座 [tiānchèngzuò]: Libra. 8. 天蝎座 [tiānxiēzuò]: Scorpio. 9. 射手座 [shèshǒuzuò]: Sagittarius. 10.

  2. Jun 11, 2016 · 天蝎座 (10/23 – 11/21)的英文名: Scorpio. 射手座/人马座 (11/22 – 12/21)的英文名: Sagittarius. 魔羯座/山羊座 (12/22 – 1/19)的英文名: Capricorn. 水瓶座 (1/20 – 2/18)的英文名: Aquarius. 双鱼座 (2/19 – 3/20)的英文名: Pisces

  3. May 6, 2023 · Scorpio 天蝎座 tiān xiē zuò. Symbol: The scorpion 蝎 (xiē) Element: Water 水 (shuǐ) Ruling planet: Pluto 冥王星 (míng wáng xīng) Strengths: resourceful 机智 (jī zhì), brave 勇敢 (yǒng gǎn), passionate 热情 (rè qíng) Weaknesses: distrusting 不信任 (bú xìnrèn), jealous 嫉妒 (jí dù), secretive 诡秘 (ɡuǐ mì)

  4. May 26, 2023 · Scorpio. Chinese Word: 天蠍 (tiān xiē) Simplified Chinese: 天蝎 (tiān xiē) Meaning: “sky scorpion” Date of Birth: October 24 – November 22 Traits: smart, wise, emotional, and enduring. Sagittarius. Chinese Word: 人馬 (rén mǎ) Simplified Chinese: 人马 (rén mǎ) Meaning: “human horse” Date of Birth: November 23 ...

  5. If you are a Scorpio and are curious to explore your horoscope in the context of Chinese astrology, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of Chinese Scorpio horoscopes and uncover the secrets they hold.

  6. In this article, we will delve into the realm of Scorpio in the Chinese horoscope, exploring its symbolism, characteristics, compatibility, career prospects, love life, health tendencies, and famous individuals born under its sign.

  7. Jan 8, 2024 · / (xiē) means “scorpion,” correlating with the Scorpio zodiac symbol. ♏ Scorpio traits: 狼 They often radiate mystery and secrecy. Intensely focused and determined. Passionate in pursuits and relationships. ️ Protective of their loved ones and their own emotions. Example sentence: 我是天蠍座。(traditional Chinese)