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  1. › wiki › HomunculusHomunculus - Wikipedia

    The homunculus is commonly used today in scientific disciplines such as psychology as a teaching or memory tool to describe the distorted scale model of a human drawn or sculpted to reflect the relative space human body parts occupy on the somatosensory cortex (the sensory homunculus) and the motor cortex (the motor homunculus).

  2. homunculus, diminutive fully formed human body, historically believed to inhabit a germ cell (an egg or a sperm) and to have the capacity to increase in size, giving rise to an adult human.

  3. Mar 5, 2019 · One of the beings that alchemists were purportedly able to create was the homunculus, meaning ‘little man’ in Latin. The homunculus is first referred to in alchemical writings of the 16 th century. It is likely, however, that this concept is older than these writings.

  4. homunculus. noun. ho· mun· cu· lus hō-ˈməŋ-kyə-ləs. plural homunculi -ˌlī -ˌlē. : a miniature adult that in the theory of preformation was held to inhabit the germ cell and to produce a mature individual merely by an increase in size.

  5. HOMUNCULUS! It's a big and weird word that you may or may not have heard before, but do you know what it means? In this episode of Crash Course Psychology, H...

  6. › referenceworkentry › 10Homunculus | SpringerLink

    May 6, 2020 · Since antiquity, the concept of homunculus (“little human being” in Latin) was associated with mimetic, Promethean speculations on the ability to imitate the work and function of nature by means of human art, especially the art of alchemy (Newman 2004; LaGrandeur 2013). In the early modern period, a notable one was the version advanced by ...

  7. A homunculus is a "little man." In the 17th century, theorists called preformationists argued that a human being begins life as a tiny, preformed person — a homunculus — encapsulated in the sperm or, as some thought, in the egg.

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