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  1. Pauline Fourès (March 15, 1778 – March 18, 1869), born Pauline Bellisle, was a French painter and novelist best known for being a mistress of Napoleon Bonaparte .

  2. Pauline Fourès, née Marguerite-Pauline Bellisle, Napoleon’s lover. Stendhal or real life? If we are to believe Frédéric Masson, then the truth of the life-story of Pauline Fourès is indeed stranger than fiction.

  3. Pauline Fourès dite la Bellilote, née Bellisle le 15 mars 1778 à Pamiers et morte le 18 mars 1869 à Paris 8e, est une peintre, romancière, musicienne et écrivaine française. Elle est connue pour avoir été la maîtresse de Napoléon Bonaparte 1 . Biographie.

  4. A young blonde, Pauline Foures, wife of a lieutenant in the Chasseurs, became the object of his desire. Born Pauline Bellisle in southern France on 15 March 1778, Pauline was the daughter of a clockmaker, Henri Jacques-Clement Bellisle.

  5. Jun 2, 2024 · Pauline Fourès (born: Pauline Bellisle) was one of these women. There was just one barrier preventing Napoleon from pursuing her, the fact that she was married. Fourès had snuck onboard a ship to accompany her husband Jean-Noel Fourès on the expedition to Egypt.

  6. An intelligent woman with a keen eye for the main chance, Pauline Foures accompanied her husband to Egypt where she divorced him after beginning an affair with Napoleon Bonaparte.

  7. Jan 25, 2015 · Dans ses «Mémoires» consacrées au Premier Empire, la duchesse Laure d'Abrantès, épouse du général Junot, affirme : «Pauline Fourès est née à Carcassonne. Son père est un homme...