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  1. Dragan " Bjela " Bjelogrlić ( Serbian Cyrillic: Драган "Бјела" Бјелогрлић, pronounced [drǎɡan bjěːla bjelǒɡr̩litɕ]; born 10 October 1963) is a Serbian actor, director and producer. Career. Bjelogrlić made his acting debut as a 15-year old, playing Sava Jovanović Sirogojno in Boško Buha, a 1978 film that achieved sizable popularity. [1]

  2. Dragan Bjelogrlic is one of the greatest Serbian actors, directors, and producers. Apart from a successful acting career that lasts 40 years, in the last two decades, he also devoted to producing and directing movies and TV shows, consequently becoming one of the most recognized and successful cinematographic creators in the entire region.

  3. Драган Бјелогрлић ( Опово, 10. октобар 1963) јесте српски глумац, редитељ, сценариста и продуцент. Прву улогу добио је 1978. године, у филму Бошко Буха, да би осамдесетих започео његов константни успон у југословенској кинематографији, првенствено захваљујући ТВ серији Бољи живот, где је играо бунтовног Слободана Бобу Попадића.

  4. Dragan Bjelogrlić ( Opovo, 10. oktobar 1963) jeste srpski glumac, reditelj, scenarista i producent. Prvu ulogu dobio je 1978. godine, u filmu Boško Buha, da bi osamdesetih započeo njegov konstantni uspon u jugoslovenskoj kinematografiji, prvenstveno zahvaljujući TV seriji Bolji život, gde je igrao buntovnog Slobodana Bobu Popadića.

  5. Dragan Bjelogrlic is one of the greatest Serbian actors, directors, and producers. Apart from a successful acting career that lasts 40 years, in the last two decades, he also devoted to producing and directing movies and TV shows, consequently becoming one of the most recognized and successful cinematographic creators in the entire region.

  6. 31 Ogo 2021 · As a young man, he gained huge fame nationally for his portrayal of Boba Popadić, the son of Svetlana Bojković and Marko Nikolić in the television series A Better Life. After that, it was difficult to fight to be known as the actor Dragan Bjelogrlić. But he succeeded and he has long been known simply as Bjela, actor, producer and director.

  7. Dragan Bjelogrlic is one of the greatest Serbian actor, director, and producer. Among successful acting career that lasts 40 years, last two decades he also devoted to producing and directing movies and TV shows, therefore he became one of the most recognized and successful cinematographic creators in the entire region.