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  1. Feb 9, 2022 · For some people, deconstructing means losing their faith altogether—becoming atheists, agnostics, or spiritual-but-not-religious nones. For others, deconstructing means still believing in Jesus...

  2. Jan 1, 1991 · "Deconstructing the Left" is a collection of vintage Collier and Horowitz polemics and broadsides on radical student politics, the Vietnam War, Fidel Castro, the Sandinistas, Angela Davis, Jane Fonda, AIDs, McCarthyism, left-wing racism, radical ecology and the Persian Gulf.

  3. Sep 1, 1991 · "Deconstructing the Left" is a collection of vintage Collier and Horowitz polemics and broadsides on radical student politics, the Vietnam War, Fidel Castro, the Sandinistas, Angela Davis, Jane Fonda, AIDs, McCarthyism, left-wing racism, radical ecology and the Persian Gulf.

  4. Jan 30, 2016 · Deconstructing the Left: The Environment is Not A Left Wing Issue. Posted on January 30, 2016. SHARE: By David Cowan. With the implosion of the Soviet Union, the ideologies of communism and socialism essentially disintegrated.

  5. Feb 15, 2022 · Deconstruction is a method of literary criticism that takes apart and analyzes an author’s use of language in effort to discern his construct of meaning. For Derrida, there is no meaning outside the text of a philosopher’s written work — no absolute truth that the writer is shedding light on for the reader.

  6. Deconstructing the Left - Review of Roger Scruton on Leftist Thinkers – In: The European Conservative, 21.1.2022

  7. On the faculties of American universities the reign of tenured radicals and the politically correct continues unbroken. Deconstructing the Left is a challenge to this radical orthodoxy...