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  1. ALAT aims to encourage employers to carry out their own in-house training and skills development programmes by funding the purchase of training aids or setting up, renovating and enhancing training rooms.

  2. Alat is creating a state-of-the-art industrial hub, designed for sustainability from the ground up. Leveraging AI and Industry 4.0, we are integrating eco-friendly practices into manufacturing, optimizing production efficiency, and implementing sustainable measures in the supply chain.

  3. It is also called alanine aminotransferase (ALT or ALAT) and was formerly called serum glutamate-pyruvate transaminase or serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) and was first characterized in the mid-1950s by Arthur Karmen and colleagues.

  4. ALAT is a scheme developed by HRD Corp to encourage employers to carry out their own in-house training and skills development programmes. Through ALAT, HRD Corp funds the purchase of training aids and the set up, renovation and enhancement training rooms by the employer.

  5. Definisi alat dalam kamus Melayu. alat I 1. barang apa yg diperlukan atau digunakan utk membuat sesuatu: seseorang tukang kayu memerlukan ~ spt gergaji, ketam, penukul, dan berbagai-bagai lagi; 2. ki orang atau sesuatu yg dipergunakan utk mencapai sesuatu maksud atau matlamat: dia dianggap orang ~ penjajah; kemudahan dsb yg boleh dijadikan ...

  6. Alat (Jawi: ‏ ألت ‎ ‎) ialah suatu objek yang digunakan untuk meluaskan kemampuan seseorang individu mengubah suai ciri persekitaran sekeliling. Walaupun banyak manusia menggunakan alat ringkas, hanya manusia, yang menggunakan alat batu sejak beratus-ratus alaf, menggunakan

  7. Welcome to ALAT, Africas first fully digital bank and home to millions of Nigerians who trust ALAT for swift, seamless, reliable, convenient and secure banking tailored to their daily...

  8. Do much more With ALAT. Choose how and where you spend your money, save alone or with friends, take a loan to buy new devices and much more.

  9. ALAT bertujuan untuk mendorong para majikan melaksanakan program latihan dan pengembangan kemahiran mereka sendiri dengan membiayai pembelian alat bantu latihan atau mendirikan, mengubahsuai dan meningkatkan fasiliti latihan.

  10. With ALAT, you’ll have access to a world of financial services right at your fingertips. From anywhere, at any time, you can check your account balance, transfer funds, pay bills, and more. Our user-friendly app makes managing your money quick and easy. Get Started.

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