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  1. The movie begins with the future saint as a soldier seeking a knighthood. After a bloody battle he is called by God to change the world, and he certainly did. Disowned by his father, he founded an order who, to this day, take vows of poverty and preach the simplest of the messages of Jesus.

  2. Chiara e Francesco è una miniserie televisiva del 2007 che racconta la vita di santi e sante assisi, tra amore, povertà e crociate. Scopri la trama, i personaggi, le puntate e i collegamenti esterni di questa fiction storica e religiosa.

  3. Francesco, aspirante cavaliere, è fra i ribelli che stanno scacciando i nobili dalla città. Fra le famiglie in fuga c'è anche quella di Chiara, bimba di sette anni. Il giovane finisce in carcere ma il padre gli salva la vita grazie alle sue ricchezze.

  4. Oct 7, 2007 · Italy, XIII century. The story of friendship between two young people who dedicated their lives to God and others: St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi. Children of the bourgeoisie and the nobility, respectively, gave up their lives accommodated by a life of sacrifice, humility and proselytizing ... Fabrizio Costa.

  5. The story of friendship between two young people who dedicated their lives to God and others: St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi. Children of the bourgeoisie and the nobility, respectively, gave up their lives accommodated by a life of sacrifice, humility and proselytizing ...

  6. CHIARA E FRANCESCO pays tribute to Il Poverello and his first female follower. It echoes certain films that left their traces before and yet touches us in a new, refreshing way.

  7. Italy, XIII century. The story of friendship between two young people who dedicated their lives to God and others: St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi. Children of the bourgeoisie and the nobility, respectively, gave up their lives accommodated by a life of sacrifice, humility and proselytizing ...