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  1. Scorpio · October 24 - November 21

    • Today's horoscope for Scorpio

      You need to avoid the temptation to gamble with other people's money, both literally and figuratively speaking. As long as you're dealing with your own resources, feel free to go nuts!

    • This week's horoscope for Scorpio

      This week, you are a force to be reckoned with. The week begins on Sunday, October 13, with Mercury in Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn. Then Mercury goes into the sign of Scorpio. On the same day, the sun in Libra trines Jupiter in Gemini. Your confidence and popularity rise at the same time. This can open new doors for you. Don’t hesit...

    • This month's horoscope for Scorpio

      Rejuvenation Scorpio, the solar eclipse in Libra on October 2 invites you to deepen your spiritual awareness and live up to your full potential. Self-improvement and a desire for harmonious balance can inspire you to connect with a life coach or take a suitable course or class. You want more from life, and this is your chance to get it. E...
