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  1. 3 days ago · That’s what the Associated Press had to say — meanwhile, New York Daily News critic Jamie Bernard proclaims that the 2003 release was bigger, louder and bad — “like the title says ...

  2. 4 days ago · Oldboy (2003) A cult classic that was long difficult to watch in the U.S., Oldboy has finally made it to Netflix. Now broad North American audiences can see what all the fuss is about when it comes to this absolutely batshit South Korean thriller.

  3. 4 days ago · Oldboy (2003) Ein Kultfilm, der lange schwer zu sehen war in den USA, hat endlich auf Netflix angekommen. Nun können breite nordamerikanische Zuschauer sich einfach fragen, was alle den Fanfaren um diese absolut verrückte südkoreanische Thriller sind.

  4. 4 days ago · Oldboy (2003) Classe culte difficile à voir aux États-Unis jusqu'à ce jour, Oldboy est enfin sur Netflix. Maintenant, les grands publics nord-américains peuvent voir ce qu'il en est question quand il s'agit de ce film sud-coréen de folie absolue.

  5. 4 days ago · I 30 migliori thriller su Netflix in questo momento. Vorresti pensare che abbiamo tutte le tensione sufficiente nella nostra vita già, ma per qualche motivo amiamo ancora quei thriller cuccioli—se siano quelli tranquilli e sospesi, o quelli grandi spettacoli d'azione.