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  1. › wiki › AeneidAeneid - Wikipedia

    The Aeneid is a classic work of Roman literature that tells the story of Aeneas, a Trojan hero who founded Rome. It was written by Virgil in the first century BC and influenced by Homer's Iliad and Odyssey.

  2. The AeneidBy VirgilWritten 19 B.C.ETranslated by John Dryden. The Aeneid has been divided into the following sections: Book I [77k] Book II [80k] Book III [69k]

  3. Read the first line of the epic poem Aeneid by the Roman poet Vergil, translated by Theodore C. Williams. Explore the text, notes, references, and maps of the Latin and English versions.

  4. The first line of Vergil's epic poem Aeneid, translated as "I sing of arms and the man who first came to Italy from Troy". Perseus Project provides parses, dictionary entries, and frequency statistics for Latin words.

  5. Sourd aux imprécations de Didon, Énée repart pendant la nuit avec ses compagnons vers le destin qui lui a été assigné. À son réveil Didon s'aperçoit de la disparition d'Énée et décide de se donner la mort. Didon maudit Énée, se suicide et Junon met fin à la douleur de Didon par la mort.

  6. Aug 31, 2024 · The nyne fyrst bookes of the Eneidos of Virgil converted into Englishe vearse by Tho. Phaer, doctour of phisike, with so muche of tenthe booke as since his death (1560) coulde be founde in unperfit papers at his house in Kilgaran Forest in Pembrokeshire (1562), edited by William Wightman.

  7. Eiectum litore, egentem excepi, et regni demens in parte locavi; 375 amissam classem, socios a morte reduxi. Heu furiis incensa feror! Nunc augur Apollo, nunc Lyciae sortes, nunc et Iove missus ab ipso interpres divom fert horrida iussa per auras. Scilicet is Superis labor est, ea cura quietos 380 sollicitat.