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  1. Sep 12, 2005 · Also dissatisfactory: It is known as reverie, but it would be more properly known as daydreaming. (Dissatisfactory because reverie is merely a slightly poetic-archaic-sounding synonym for daydreaming in English.) Essentially, I am wondering what the words rêverie and rêvasserie mean at their very cores. If we can discover how their ...

  2. Dec 6, 2016 · Senior Member. Como Ud. sabe, “Rainbow Reverie” no tiene sentido y sé que el autor ha inventado un significado e specíficamente para el cómic. Pero en este caso “rainbow” parece ser el adjetivo – o sea todas las pociones tienen su propio color, y una vez que uno las tenga todas pues forman un producto final (el set) que se llama ...

  3. Apr 22, 2008 · I thought you are sleeping; now I understand that you are just lying on your bed and engaged in a reverie. Do the tenses agree in the first? Or should I say, 'I thought you were sleeping?

  4. Jul 15, 2010 · I told them they would ask for the moon if they wanted to have higher pay for less working hours. Hi, Is it right to interpret the bold in the above as "daydream?" If not, how should I understand it? Thanks. P.S. is it "less working hours" or "fewer working hours?" Which is correct?

  5. May 23, 2015 · chinese. May 23, 2015. #1. I am reading a children's story in English in the book called Thereupon God sent an Angel. The first person narrator is a one-eyed teddy bear. He has been attacked by a cat, who has torn off one of his ears. The owner of the cat, an amputee who was once a gifted ballet dancer, mends his ear, then falls into reverie.

  6. Oct 24, 2012 · Penang. American English. Oct 24, 2012. #2. When someone (or something) jogs your memory, they are are reminding you of something you have forgotten. When someone jars something loose in your memory, they said or done something that helps you remember a fragment of a larger memory. I don't have any mental picture for someone jarring my memory ...

  7. Mar 29, 2017 · Mar 29, 2017. #1. This except is from A School Portrait. while I, wrapt from him in a confused mist of time, was wondering what he would think, could he know that at this actual moment he would have been dead thirty years, and that his memory would be thus preserved and honoured in the beloved school, where his delicate spirit had been so ...

  8. Nov 8, 2015 · Oui, cet usage est tout à fait courant. Selon le TLFi : II. − Adv. En profondeur. Synon. profondément. Ces séances mornes, ou ces discussions de bureau (...) laissent plus de liberté à l'imagination et nous permettent d'aller plus profond. Il s'agit de trouver la vérité, d'atteindre à ce qui est réel (Barrès, Cahiers, t.5, 1907, p.165).

  9. Nov 26, 2009 · Laisser qn rêveur : to leave sb baffled or in a state of bafflement (Harrap's) Or: baffled=perplexe Pour moi franco-française, l'expression "laisser rêveur/se" se réfère au fait que ce qui laisse rêveur/se nous plonge en plein rêve éveillé (daydream) et ce de manière parfaitement positive! Tandis que perplexe veut dire inquiet ou ...

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