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  1. Jun 12, 2024 · Their true name is usually given to them at their Becoming. This is a ritual in Spring performed on all younglings of an age, and requires a Wizard. Wizards are therefore bound to travel among the lands and give names. These names are based on the Wizards perception of the soul of the individual and these names have power. A person may go their ...

  2. Mar 27, 2018 · Basically the Northlands is part of the wider Lost Lands campaign setting published by Frog God Games, but the influence of the rest of the world is minimal enough that the Northlands may as well be on its own for most games. The Northlands is a low magic sword-and-sorcery style realm where most of civilization are villages at best and the largest city is about 4,000 people strong. While some ...

  3. Nov 13, 2013 · The dunes reference the lands to the north of Pashin, the shattered ruins are Hurim, once an ancient temple to Paladine and the Gods of Light. In times past one of the priests betrayed the rest to a ruthless ogre horde, and since then the place is avoided by the Khurish people, but she knows little more than that. As for the Key of Quinari, she doesn't know much, either, than that it's an ...

  4. Jun 27, 2023 · It really depends - you can run it as a hex-crawl and come up with adventure locations ‘on the fly’ (in practice I always had one of each type pre-prepped based on the random generators for when the PCs arrived at a location but that was just to save time), and it works fine. The random generators can be used to generate a legend and, from ...

  5. May 19, 2023 · At the beginning of each session, the GM rolls a Timer Die which gets smaller in later weeks, and the Timer’s value is reduced by 1 each time a spell is cast by anyone during the adventure. When the number reaches one, a Raw Magic Die is rolled and the Time resets. Raw Magic is a d20 table with random effects similar to a Wild Sorcerer, ranging from having a nearby nonmagical casting focus ...

  6. Aug 16, 2015 · In the time since, the surrounding lands have experienced a period of peace and prosperity. However, now the village of Hommlet sends pleadings to the Viscount that bandits, cultists, and creeping horrors in the shadows trouble the highways and steadings of the land. The villagers recall the stories leading to the Demon Wars, and fear that ancient troubles stir anew. The Viscount, safely ...

  7. Jul 3, 2021 · The Primordials are the creators of the world and have mutable forms, and tend to be more distant from mortal affairs. The Gods of Light are their children, closely associated with moral virtues and the various boons of mortal culture. Finally the Exarchs of Shadow are false gods spawned from the god Anwaren when that deity suffered temporary madness from staring into Shadow. The Exarchs wish ...

  8. Feb 12, 2014 · The records I have found in ancient ruins from distant lands are incomplete, but seem to indicate the Halflings once possessed a wide and thriving empire to rival any of today. The study of magic seems to have been particularly important to them--which is interesting because although the Halflings of today appreciate magic in so far as it can entertain or amuse, they show little interest in ...

  9. Sep 6, 2024 · Jumper is the one that stands out to me as potentially being PWP, since it doesn't fit into horror, (urban) fantasy, or have science fiction trappings. Oddly enough, Firestarter, Scanners, Push, Jumper and Carrie are all in the "psionics" or "psychic powers" category for me, which is distinguished from PWP for having only one type of powers. Of ...

  10. Apr 12, 2022 · Romance of the Perilous Land. A roleplaying game of adventure and fantasy in the age of King Arthur and the Britain of folklore.Romance of the Perilous Land is a roleplaying game of magic an…. I'm especially curious how the Robin Hood elements blend with the Arthurian ones.

  1. Searches related to Adventure Time: Distant Lands

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