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  1. Luise Straus-Ernst (December 2, 1893 – d. early July 1944), also known as Louise Ernst, Louise Straus, Louise Ernst-Straus, or Luise Ernst-Straus, was a Jewish German art historian, writer, journalist, and artist, sometimes using an artistic Dadaist alias Armada von Duldgedalzen.

  2. Luise Straus-Ernst, auch Louise Ernst, Louise Straus, Louise Ernst-Straus oder Luise Ernst-Straus, genannt Lou, war eine deutsche Kunsthistorikerin, Journalistin und Künstlerin sowie die erste Ehefrau des surrealistischen Künstlers Max Ernst und Mutter von Jimmy Ernst.

  3. Mar 4, 2021 · Kunsthistorikerin, Dadaistin, Journalistin, Kulturkritikerin, Jüdin und Mutter – all das war Luise Straus-Ernst (1893 – 1944), genannt Lou, die am 2. Dezember 1893 als Tochter eines Hutfabrikanten in Köln geboren wurde. Seit ihrer Jugend hatte sie eine Vorliebe für die Kunst, insbesondere für die niederländische Malerei.

  4. In 1943, after 2 years of moving from Paris and the South of France to Drancy, under increasing threat and aware that she was watched, Luise Straus-Ernst was finally captured. In June 1944 she was deported on the next-to-last train to Auschwitz where she was executed.

  5. Jun 23, 2017 · Yet Luise Straus-Ernst, this resolute woman who led a remarkable life, is often simply known as Max Ernsts first wife. The Wallraf is now countering this one-sided view of her with this dedicated exhibition.

  6. Jan 1, 2013 · This article analyses the life story of Luise Straus-Ernst, an art historian and first wife of the artist Max Ernst, who was born in Cologne in 1893 and perished in Auschwitz in 1944. She wrote...

  7. This article analyses the life story of Luise Straus-Ernst, an art historian and first wife of the artist Max Ernst, who was born in Cologne in 1893 and perished in Auschwitz in 1944.