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  1. Peristiwa 13 Mei pada tahun 1969 ialah insiden rusuhan kaum yang berlaku dan kemuncak masalah perpaduan di Malaysia. Tragedi ini telah meragut nyawa serta harta benda dan mempunyai kaitan yang rapat dengan "Pilihan Raya Umum 10 Mei 1969" merupakan satu titik hitam dalam sejarah negara Malaysia.

  2. The 13 May incident was an episode of Sino-Malay sectarian violence that took place in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, on 13 May 1969. The riot occurred in the aftermath of the 1969 Malaysian general election when opposition parties such as the Democratic Action Party and Gerakan made gains at the expense of the ruling coalition, the ...

  3. Pertumpahan darah dan kacau bilau yang dahsyat yang berlaku pada 13 Mei 1969 itu hampir menghancurkan negara. Kenapa berlakunya peristiwa 13 Mei? Tunku Abd. Rahman telah menyalahkan komunis dan anasir-anasir kongsi gelap lain yang dikatakan bertanggungjawab berlakunya peristiwa tersebut.

  4. During the Alliance meeting held to assess the results, a number of Malay representatives blamed the losses on the MCA which saw 20 of its 33 candidates defeated. Hurt and weak, the MCA announced on May 13 that it would not participate in the government at federal and state levels.

  5. May 13, 2019 · KUALA LUMPUR - Peristiwa berdarah rusuhan kaum paling dahsyat di negara ini pada 13 Mei 1969, perlu menjadi pengajaran betapa pentingnya masyarakat berbilang kaum di negara ini untuk terus bersatu padu dan hidup dalam harmoni.

  6. Aug 22, 2021 · Well, May 13, 1969, was truly a traumatic experience for Malaysia. Yet 39 years later, there is still no proper closure. Instead, the incident has haunted the nation these past four decades. Just the mention of ‘May 13’ invokes shudders and nervous glances.

  7. May 14, 2024 · COMMENT | Yesterday marked the 55th anniversary of the riots of May 13, 1969, in Kuala Lumpur. It happened three days after the May 10 election of that year, the third after Malaysia’s...