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  1. Jan 7, 2016 · Proper shipping name is the standard technical name to describe the hazard properties and the composition of dangerous goods. You need to choose a UN number (usually, 4 digits) and a proper shipping name from Dangerous Goods List that can most accurately describe your dangerous goods.

  2. May 28, 2020 · Everyone that handles, ships, transports hazardous materials, or dangerous goods knows what a Proper Shipping Name (PSN) is. It is one of the first things you learn in any transport training course regardless of the mode – 49CFR , IATA , IMDG .

  3. The proper shipping name is that portion of the entry most accurately describing the goods in the Dangerous Goods List, which is shown in upper case characters (plus any numbers, Greek letters, 'sec', 'tert', and the letters m, n, o, p, which form an integral part of the name). An alternative proper shipping name may

  4. The proper shipping name is that portion of the entry most accurately describing the goods in Table A or Table C in Chapter 3.2, which is shown in upper case characters (plus any numbers, Greek letters, "sec", "tert", and the letters "m", "n", "o", "p", which form an integral part of the name).

  5. Summary of requirements. Before selecting a proper shipping name for the material to be shipped, you must: Make sure the material meets a definition of one of the hazard classes enumerated in the Hazardous Materials Regulations. Pick a proper shipping name that best describes the material.

  6. Technical Name is defined at 49 CFR 171.8 and means a recognized chemical name used by science. It does not allow for the use of trade names. The regulations at 49 CFR 172.203 (k) indicate the correct use of the technical name on the shipping paper; please continue for a summary of this information.

  7. Jun 21, 2018 · The proper shipping name is the key to determine how packages for hazardous materials are selected, marked, and labeled; the vehicle is correctly placarded; and the shipment is correctly documented. According to 49 CFR 172.101 (c) (12), you must assign a proper shipping name that corresponds with the hazards of the material shipped.