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  1. ADOPTS the IMO Instruments Implementation Code (III Code), set out in the annex to the present resolution; REQUESTS the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee to keep the Code under review and, in coordination with the Council, to propose amendments thereto to the Assembly; and.

  2. As criteria for audit, IMO adopted IMO Instruments Inplemention Code (III Code) . For more information about IMSAS, please click here . Another way of monitoring the performance of flag States and fighting against sub-standard shipping is through port State control.

  3. The audit scheme, using the IMO Instruments Implementation Code ( III Code) as the audit standard, aims to provide an audited Member State with a comprehensive and objective assessment of how effectively it administers and implements those mandatory IMO instruments which are covered by the Scheme.

  4. III Code Implementation Guidance. The Sub-committee finalized the draft text of the III Code Implementation Guidance. The guidance aims to assist Member States in the implementation of the III Code, and the standard of audits conducted under the IMO member state Audit Scheme (IMSAS).

  5. Audit Scheme means the IMO Member State Audit Scheme established by the Organization and taking into account the guidelines developed by the Organization. Code for Implementation means the IMO Instruments Implementation Code (III Code) adopted by the Organization by resolution A.1070(28).

  6. Annex – IMO Instruments Implementation Code (III Code) Part 1 – Common Areas. Part 2 – Flag States. Part 3 – Coastal States footnote. Part 4 – Port States footnote. Parent topic: IMO Resolution A.1070 (28) – IMO Instruments Implementation Code (III Code) – (Adopted on 4 December 2013)

  7. 2 Feb 2021 · The IMO III Code is a code that all Member States are audited against to assess their capability and resources to satisfy international obligations in terms of Port State, Coastal State and Flag State. Learn what the code covers, why it is important and how to prepare for the audit with technology.

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