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  1. Learn how to manage weeds using multiple control tactics, such as herbicides, cover crops, tillage, and harvest weed seed control. Find out why IWM is necessary to prevent herbicide resistance and improve crop yields.

  2. The most important factor in overall weed control is to prevent weeds from developing seed and perpetuating the weed problem. Sources of weed introduction include weedy stock, weed seeds in the growing area or nearby, or plant propagules in manure, soil, uncomposted yardwaste, or other organic matter sources.

  3. Integrated weed management is the best approach to monitor and regulate any weed, where mechanical, chemical, and biological methods are used in a suitable fashion and combination.

  4. Aug 1, 2020 · Developing and implementing integrated weed management program is crucial for sustainable weed management in Malaysia. First review article examine the current weed management practices of the oil palm, rubber, and rice in Malaysia.

  5. Sep 6, 2023 · This comprehensive review encapsulates a broad spectrum of weed management strategies, examining traditional practices and probing into the frontier of emerging technologies.

  6. Sep 30, 2023 · Weed management is one of the most crucial aspects of agriculture and land maintenance, aiming to control and minimize the impact of unwanted plants or "weeds". The main objective is to...

  7. May 1, 2023 · This paper describes broadly the considerations, opportunities, and constraints of diverse weed management tactics to address the burgeoning problems with herbicide resistance.