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  1. May 6, 2021 · Avastha Samadhi: A state of samadhi that is not dependent on the external world. • Pratyahara Samadhi: Concentration through the withdrawal of the senses. • Dharana Samadhi: Concentration through fixed attention. • Dhyana Samadhi: Concentration through meditation.

  2. › wiki › SugataSugata - Wikipedia

    Amoghasiddhi (Unfailing Buddha). In Hinduism. In Vaishnavism, the Buddha is regarded by various Puranas as the ninth avatar among the Dashavatara of Vishnu. Some Vaishnavite schools argue that Sugata Buddha, the incarnation of Vishnu, was born around 1800 BC in Bodhi-Gaya to Ajana, and was a different person from Gautama Buddha.

  3. The Animitta Ceto,samādhi Sutta (S 40.9) is the last of the nine discourses relating to Moggallā-na’s struggle for awakening which records Moggallāna’s attainment of “signless concentration of mind” (animitta ceto,samādhi).

  4. The term samadhi derives from the root sam-a-dha, which means 'to collect' or 'bring together', [citation needed] and thus it is often translated as 'concentration' or 'unification of mind'. In the early Buddhist texts, samadhi is also associated with the term "samatha" (calm abiding). [citation needed] Dhyana

  5. Sanskrit terminology. All articles of CBE. animitta-ceto-samadhi; “ (effected and thought out which means it is impermanent and liable to stopping.

  6. Jun 9, 2020 · f. (= Pali id., also citta-s°), concentra- tion of mind, here as leading to the magic power of becoming invisible: tathārūpāṃ °dhiṃ samāpadye yathā…mātā- pitarau nādṛśetsuḥ Mahāvastu iii.409.12 (prose). context information.

  7. Mar 5, 2020 · It appears the terms 'cetovimuttiṃ' & 'paññāvimutti' are both used as constituents of the same attainment; therefore 'cetovimuttiṃ' does not appear to refer to 'samatha' or 'samadhi'. A search for 'paññāvimutti' obtains 171 results.